

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:36

iphone Programming Glossary: iphoneosprogrammingguide

How to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown


how to detect and program around shakes for the iphone


instead which have been added to UIEvent http developer.apple.com IPhone library documentation iPhone Conceptual iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide EventHandling EventHandling.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40007072 CH9 SW24 Just like touches a motion event will be delivered..

playing a .caf file: works fine in simulator but not in iPhone


and playing works fine on simulator. But on iphone it doesn't work. I followed the exact steps as mentioned in iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide AudioandVideoTechnologies printf s player n self.soundFileURL absoluteString UTF8String AVAudioPlayer newPlayer AVAudioPlayer..

UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum save as PNG with transparency?


return _compositeImage cf. https developer.apple.com iphone library documentation iPhone Conceptual iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide FilesandNetworking FilesandNetworking.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40007072 CH21 SW20 BOOL writeApplicationData NSData data..

Why does Core Data initialization fail when I attempt to do it at these points?


take a look at the iphone programming guide http developer.apple.com iphone library documentation iPhone Conceptual iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide index.html To glean a better explanation of the iPhone application life cycle. Hope that helps. One More Update In depth..

Is background GPS\location logging possible on iPhone 4 or 3GS running on iOS4


NSFileProtectionComplete for iOS 4.0 apps


What are the dimensions, file types, and ppi resolution of an iOS app icon?


px. For the app icons you can find details here http developer.apple.com library ios #documentation iPhone Conceptual iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide App RelatedResources App RelatedResources.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40007072 CH6 SW1 Also make sure the icon files are NON..

MyApp “has active assertions beyond permitted time” crash - CoreLocationRegistration and CoreLocationBackgroundClient


Start a location-aware background service in iOS on boot


on devices that contain a cellular radio. From http developer.apple.com library ios #DOCUMENTATION iPhone Conceptual iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide BackgroundExecution BackgroundExecution.html An app can be relaunched when the location changes. However can it be started..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]
