

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:48

iphone Programming Glossary: pointless

Capture 60fps in iPhone app


However in this approach every single frame is copied from AVFoundation to your app and then back again which is quite pointless and very wearing for the bus. Luckily AVFoundation has a class that removes this round trip AVCaptureMovieFileOutput . If..

CLLocationManager on iPhone Simulator fails with kCLErrorDomain Code=0


couldn ™t be completed. kCLErrorDomain error 0. I was working on a real project when I ran into this problem but it is pointless to discuss my code because I downloaded Locations sample code updated 2010 06 22 for iOS 4 from the dev center and the problem..

Long-term potential of iPhone/Windows Mobile development platforms


look at the Pré the iPhone at Blackberries and at Android Phones Objective C is just a programming language. It's pointless to even think about it too much. Any programmer can learn it within a week Xcode has its weaknesses but it also has its..

How to print a double with full precision on iOS?


point number has slightly less than 16 decimal digits of precision so all those digits of the literal in math.h are pointless perhaps they can be seen as future proofing against a possible future redefinition in a format with more precision . share..

Using AVAssetReader to read (stream) from a remote asset


So I wanted to create a new AVAsset from the AVAssetTracks I already had in hand. Admittedly hacky and perhaps pointless where else would the track information be ultimately retrieved from if not the original AVAsset but it was worth a desperate..

Open iphone calendar app programmatically


Transparent Modal View on Navigation Controller


the animation finishes the view just covered will actually disappear which makes any transparency of your modal view pointless. You can verify this by implementing the viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear methods in your root view controller . You..

in-app purchase verify receipt error


It doesn't appear you are doing that. But most of all you're not meant to verify the receipt on the device doing so it pointless. You're meant to send the data to your server and have it verify the data with Apple for you. Doing the validation on the..