

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:18

iphone Programming Glossary: reported

Drifting yaw angle after moving fast


move the device quickly around like in a fast pacing game. When I return to the start position after 10 30 seconds the reported yaw angle differ from the start position for 10 20 degrees most of the time 1° . I used the old and sadly no longer available..

More iCloud Core Data synching woes


exactly the same same model version no migration etc. In my tests everything worked beautifully But to my dismay users reported that their data was not there anymore when they opened the updated app. What could be the reason for this The persistent..

UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum save as PNG with transparency?


JPG. iphone uiimage quartz graphics share improve this question This is a problem I have noticed before and reported on the Apple Developer Forums about a year ago. As far as I know it is still an open issue. If you have a moment please..

Can iPad/iPhone Touch Points be Wrong Due to Calibration?


app in the simulator it works pretty much as expected. As I move the mouse from one edge of the screen to the other reported X values go from 0 to 767. Reported Y values go from 20 to 1023. It is a known issue that the simulator doesn't report touches.. no status bar. Here's what's weird When I run the app on an actual iPad the X values go from 0 to 767 as expected but reported Y values go from 6 to 1017 not 0 to 1023 as I would expect. The fact that it seems to work properly on the simulator leads..

iPhone storekit sandbox stopped working


storekit sandbox stopped working Bug reported as fixed by Apple see accepted answer below ... UPDATE MON AUG 23rd 10 00 GMT Although the bug report with apple hasn't..

GSRegisterPurpleNamedPort SIGABRT in UIApplicationMain Before App Delegate Gets to Run Any Code


only occur for updates iphone ios4 share improve this question Is this under iOS 4.0 This type of error had been reported to occur when a process or thread from the previous install of this app has crashed and somehow hasn't been cleaned up by..

Want to use muliple nibs for different iphone interface orientations


parameter. Do not attempt to get the value of the interfaceOrientation property or check the orientation value reported by the UIDevice class. Your view controller is either capable of supporting a given orientation or it is not. A better place..

CSS “position: fixed;” into iPad/iPhone?


world is moving very quickly so tables like this may not stay up to date for long Update iOS 5 and Android 4 are both reported to have position fixed support now. I tested iOS 5 myself in an Apple store today and can confirm that it does work with..

Iphone:Help in understanding Crash reports


The code which apple pointed and the crash report is given below It s crashing on iPhone 4 running iOS 4.2.1. as reported by Apple . Relevant files are given below Code http pastie.org 1543760 Crash Report http pastie.org 1542144 I am just not..

iphone - core motion (relative rotation)


by the framework when starting device motion updates. From that point in time on the attitude of the device is reported relative to that reference frame not relative to the previous frame . The CMAttitude class provides some handy built in..

Xcode won't recognize my new provisioning profile


name Debug Of note is this line PROVISIONING_PROFILE sdk iphoneos 36F99F3E 805F 47A7 95D4 FF8324711CBE That's the GUID reported by the build error the identifier of my old expired provisioning profile. All I had to do was replace it with the GUID of..

How to set accuracy and distance filter when using MKMapView


Notify changes when device has moved x meters. Default value is kCLDistanceFilterNone all movements are reported. self.locationManager.distanceFilter 10.0f Notify heading changes when heading is 5. Default value is kCLHeadingFilterNone.. 10.0f Notify heading changes when heading is 5. Default value is kCLHeadingFilterNone all movements are reported. self.locationManager.headingFilter 5 update location if CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled self.locationManager..

Xcode 4 - “Valid signing identity not found” error on provisioning profiles on a new Macintosh install


mouse or Command A. Also Apple is making improvements in the way they manage this aspect of Xcode and some users have reported that the Refresh button in the lower right corner does the trick. So try clicking Refresh first and if that doesn't help..

Testing use of NSURLConnection with HTTP response error statuses


code looks like an error to prevent connectionDidFinishLoading from being called where a successful response would be reported. Providing a static stubbed NSURLConnection is simple but I want my test to change it's behaviour when one of the mock connection's..

Is it possible to target older iOS versions when using Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 SDK?


note it required armv7 btw I figured this out when I tried to manually add the app via the organizer and it reported Can't install application The Info.plist for application at Users ... TestsDebug.app specifies device capability requirements..

How to set up CMake to build an app for the iPhone


I run it in the simulator I get the dreaded Failed to launch simulated application Unknown error. There are lots of reported instances of this problem on google and stackoverflow but all of the solutions involve cleaning up or creating a new project..

How can I compile lame as static library(.a) for armv6 and armv7 of iPhone?


of function ˜tgetent make 2 console.o Error 1 make 1 all recursive Error 1 make all Error 2 When I install ncurses It reported this .. curses.h 60 25 error ncurses_dll.h No such file or directory In file included from console.c 25 .. curses.h 250..