

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:30

iphone Programming Glossary: rootviewcontroller.managedobjectcontext

Tab bar Controller raising NSInternalInconsistencyException


as follows self managedObjectContext self managedObjectModel self persistentStoreCoordinator rootViewController retain rootViewController.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext Is this not correct If so why The only reference to the problem I have seen on the web is here..

Core-Data iPhone: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel


application RootViewController rootViewController RootViewController navigationController topViewController rootViewController.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext for the menu window addSubview viewController.view Configure and show the window window makeKeyAndVisible..

TableView Crashing/Freezing Because Of Core Data Error


context self managedObjectContext if context Handle the error. Pass the managed object context to the view controller. rootViewController.managedObjectContext context EDIT After reviewing your code you need to do two things 1 edit your AppDelegate to load the Curl model not the..

Passing managedObjectContext - is this efficient?


controller like so RootViewController rootViewController RootViewController navigationController topViewController rootViewController.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext Bonus question I've read the above is the preferred way to pass the context as opposed to some..

CoreData error driving me crazy… CoreData: Serious application error. An exception caught from delegate of NSFetchedResultsController


rootViewController RootViewController alloc initWithTabBar Pass the managed object context to the view controller. rootViewController.managedObjectContext context create the navigation control and stuff the rootcontroller inside it UINavigationController aNavigationController..

“Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch” error only on iPad


@ RootViewController bundle nil NSManagedObjectContext context self managedObjectContext if context Handle the error. rootViewController.managedObjectContext context UINavigationController aNavigationController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController rootViewController..