

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: www.cimgf.com

Setting a flag in compiler for NSLog not to show


for NSLog if its easy for you to change things at this point . I like the prefix header file these guys use http www.cimgf.com 2010 05 02 my current prefix pch file Basically their logging function is #ifdef DEBUG #define DLog ... NSLog @ s @ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__..

Blog for learning Objective-C


Girlfriend title Cocoa Is My Girlfriend type rss xmlUrl http feeds.feedburner.com CocoaIsMyGirlfriend htmlUrl http www.cimgf.com outline text Cocoa with Love title Cocoa with Love type rss xmlUrl http feeds.feedburner.com CocoaWithLove htmlUrl http..

Save and Retrieve of an UIImage on CoreData


insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Event inManagedObjectContext context NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http www.cimgf.com images photo.PNG NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfURL url uiImage UIImage imageWithData data NSData imageData..

UIView shake animation


shake animation i'm trying to make a UIView shake when a button is pressed. I am adapting the code I found on http www.cimgf.com 2008 02 27 core animation tutorial window shake effect . However by trying to adapt the following code to shake a UIView..

sqlite and threading with iPhone SDK


library ios documentation General Conceptual ConcurrencyProgrammingGuide OperationObjects OperationObjects.html http www.cimgf.com 2008 02 16 cocoa tutorial nsoperation and nsoperationqueue http icodeblog.com 2010 03 04 iphone coding turbo charging your..

iPhone App Development Tutorials (beginner) [closed]


with. Mostly via ads. Apple's official ad program is called iAds http advertising.apple.com There are lots. A few http www.cimgf.com http www.cocoadev.com http iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com and of course the official Apple site http developer.apple.com..

UITableViewCell dynamic height :/


Rolf iphone uitableview dynamic uitableviewcell row height share improve this question See this tutorial http www.cimgf.com 2009 09 23 uitableviewcell dynamic height The trick is to make the label grow with the size of the cell than you can just..