

2014/10/15 U 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: www

NSURLRequest : Post data and read the posted page


NSString stringWithFormat @ d postData.length forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded charset utf 8 forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection connection.. Grand Central Dispatch async function .m IBAction dispatchButtonPushed id sender NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http www.apple.com NSDictionary postDict NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys @ user @ username @ password @ password nil.. NSString stringWithFormat @ d postData.length forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded charset utf 8 forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setHTTPBody postData dispatch_async dispatch_get_global_queue..

Sending file from iOS to PHP using POST


PHP side try file _POST 'name' echo file Try the following code segment in place of your current code. Change the url www.yourWebAddress.com and script name to appropriate values for your problem. NSData data NSData dataWithContentsOfFile filePath.. allowLossyConversion YES NSString postLength NSString stringWithFormat @ d postData length NSString baseurl @ https www.yourWebAddress.com yourServerScript.php NSURL url NSURL URLWithString baseurl NSMutableURLRequest urlRequest NSMutableURLRequest.. @ POST urlRequest setValue postLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length urlRequest setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type urlRequest setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection..

Get the password from the webservices url and access through that password


setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue postLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection conn NSURLConnection alloc.. which your going to send the data to that request. request setURL NSURL URLWithString NSString stringWithFormat @ http www.abcde.com xyz login.aspx Now set HTTP method POST or GET . Write this lines as it is in your code. request setHTTPMethod.. forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length Also set the Encoded value for HTTP header Field. request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ Current Type Set the HTTPBody of the urlrequest with postData. request setHTTPBody..

Sending POST data from iphone over SSL HTTPS


setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue postLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setHTTPBody postData NSError error NSURLResponse response NSData.. postData post dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion YES and request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded charset utf 8 forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type however as Nikolai noted this would be easier if we knew..

Location permission alert on iphone with phonegap


phonegap the string is VERY ugly something like this var mobile Applications 157EB70D 4AA7 826E 690F0CBE0F appname.app www index.html . Someone having an idea iphone core location phonegap share improve this question You need to do the geolocation..

Managing HTTP Cookies on iPhone


something similar for Objective C that is portable to the iPhone Thanks for any help. iphone objective c cookies www mechanize share improve this question NSURLConnection gives you cookie management for free. From the URL Loading System..

iPhone sending POST with NSURLConnection


Type. E.g. you might set application xml charset utf 8 If you set no HTTP Content Type the default type application x www form urlencoded will be used. And this type expects the POST data to have the same format as it would have in a GET request... fread handle 8192 fclose handle Please note that this only works if the HTTP header of your POST is not application x www form urlencoded. If it is application x www form urlencoded then PHP itself reads all the post data decodes it splitting.. that this only works if the HTTP header of your POST is not application x www form urlencoded. If it is application x www form urlencoded then PHP itself reads all the post data decodes it splitting it into key value pairs and finally adds it..

How to create Http Post data to the web server?


NSMutableURLRequest alloc init autorelease request2 setHTTPBody myRequestData request2 setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ content type NSData returnData2 NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest request returningResponse..

Using NSURLRequest to pass key-value pairs to PHP script with POST


URLWithString @ http people.bath.ac.uk trs22 insert.php request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ content type request setHTTPBody myRequestData NSURLResponse response NSError err NSData..

Problem using NSURLRequest to POST data to server


myRequestString length NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest alloc initWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http www.google.com request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setHTTPBody myRequestData NSData returnData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest.. likely that the correct content type header is not being sent. Try adding a call to request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ content type You should also not pass nil for error so you can see what the client..

NSURLRequest cannot handle HTTP body when method is not POST?


to do an HTTP PUT request add the following line of code req is the NSMutableURLRequest req setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type That's all there is to it. If you add this line of code your PUT requests..

How can I extract a URL from a sentence that is in a NSString?


super URL regex NSRegularExpression expression NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern @ i b a z w 1 3 a z0 9 www d 0 3 . a z0 9. . a z 2 4 ^ s ^ s ^ s ^ s ^ s ^ s` ' . «» ”‘’] options NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive error NULL..

Objective-C url encoding


C url encoding I have a NSString like this http www. but I want to transform it to http 3A 2F 2Fwww. How can I do thanks iphone html objective c ios nsstring share improve.. C url encoding I have a NSString like this http www. but I want to transform it to http 3A 2F 2Fwww. How can I do thanks iphone html objective c ios nsstring share improve this question To escape the characters you.. this question To escape the characters you want is a little more work. Example code NSString unescaped @ http www NSString escapedString NSString CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes NULL CFStringRef unescaped NULL CFSTR ' @ # kCFStringEncodingUTF8..

Basic HTTP Authentication on iPhone


setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue postLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setValue @ application x www form urlencoded forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setHTTPBody postData NSURLResponse response NSError error NSURLConnection..