

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: www.cocoadev.com

How to post more parameters with image upload code in iOS?


of this code NSString uploadData NSData data toURL NSString urlStr NSString _userID File upload code adapted from http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUpload and http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUploadSample NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest.. NSString urlStr NSString _userID File upload code adapted from http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUpload and http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUploadSample NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest alloc init autorelease request setURL NSURL..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


None NSURLRequest postRequestWithURL NSURL url IN boundry NSString boundry IN data NSData data IN from http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUpload NSMutableURLRequest urlRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url urlRequest setHTTPMethod @..

JSON IPHONE: How to send a JSON request and pull the data from a server?


Depending on what's in the buffer and if your server can handle it you may want to Base64 encode the result check http www.cocoadev.com index.pl BaseSixtyFour if you don't have a converter handy . You could even go straight from NSData to a Base64 encoded..

iPhone + sending data from iPhone to server as XML format


HTTPBody setting it's MIME type as text plain. Here's some info on creating an NSURLRequest for uploading files http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUpload Oh and BTW they encoded their data using NSASCIIStringEncoding you'll want to change that to NSUTF8StringEncoding...

Reading binary image data from a web service into UIImage


Following fbrereto's answer I managed to convert the string into NSData using a code sample at this link http www.cocoadev.com index.pl BaseSixtyFour scroll to the code sample by MiloBird user . Now I can construct the image successfully. It uses..

iPhone App Development Tutorials (beginner) [closed]


Apple's official ad program is called iAds http advertising.apple.com There are lots. A few http www.cimgf.com http www.cocoadev.com http iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com and of course the official Apple site http developer.apple.com ios has really good docs..

uploading photo through programing in objective-c [duplicate]


None NSURLRequest postRequestWithURL NSURL url IN boundry NSString boundry IN data NSData data IN from http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUpload NSMutableURLRequest urlRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url urlRequest setHTTPMethod @..

how to convert array of bytes to base64 String in iphone?


in iphone. I tried with NSData and base64 convertion but result defers. I have used this link for conversion. http www.cocoadev.com index.pl BaseSixtyFour This is really urgent and need to solve asap. I tried by creating individual bytes using memcpy and..

Debugging exception thrown in Objective C and XCode


Draw glow around inside edge of multiple CGPaths


APIs for computing the union of paths. It is in fact a rather complicated algorithm. Here are a couple of links http www.cocoadev.com index.pl NSBezierPathcombinatorics http losingfight.com blog 2011 07 09 how to implement boolean operations on bezier paths..