

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: www.raywenderlich.com

How to populate a TableView with plist content using XCode and 4 storyboard


Disable Dictation button on the keyboard of iPhone 4S / new iPad


iPhone SDK - Frosted Glass (iOS 7 Blur) Effect


share improve this question A good tutorial about CoreImage is here showing how to apply filters and more http www.raywenderlich.com 5689 beginning core image in ios 5 UPDATE 1 So after a little bit of research I ended up discovering that the Core Image..

How to use various effect or filters in iphone camera application [duplicate]


How to download In-App hosted content?


to download In App hosted content I followed http www.raywenderlich.com 21081 introduction to in app purchases in ios 6 tutorial to set up Apple hosted In App purchase. It lists the products...

Cocos2d Resources


share improve this question I have used those sites and have also found Ray Wenderlich's tutorials very useful. http www.raywenderlich.com 352 how to make a simple iphone game with cocos2d tutorial Also there are several references available here too http www.cocos2d..

iPad to iPhone?


ipad share improve this question I recently found this blog post on the topic. You might find it helpful http www.raywenderlich.com 1111 how to port an iphone application to the ipad Plus there's some discussion of creating a universal app here http stackoverflow.com..

cocos2d Moving between scene


Api Facebook iphone , possible to post to a friend's wall


api. I have already links explaining how to post on user'wall but not on firend's wall here are the links http www.raywenderlich.com tag facebook iphone facebook post ios wall share improve this question You just have to send your friend's Facebook..

Choosing the right IOS XML parser


comment author. iphone xml parsing sdk share improve this question Best comparison I've seen on the subject http www.raywenderlich.com 553 how to chose the best xml parser for your iphone project The difference between the slowest and fastest parsers in his..

How to post images on facebook wall on a single button click from an iPhone app


single button click. I am using the example on the link below as my reference for posting images on facebook wall http www.raywenderlich.com 1626 how to post to a users wall upload photos and add a like button from your iphone app I am a newbie. What should I do..

physics library for iphone programming


Understanding iOS Instruments


for this call. Below are a few links that might give you a hand in understanding more about instruments http www.raywenderlich.com 2696 how to debug memory leaks with xcode and instruments tutorial http developer.apple.com library mac #documentation DeveloperTools..

Objective C Parsing XML


Best to use an objective c parsing library. This article has a good run down of some of the available ones http www.raywenderlich.com 553 how to chose the best xml parser for your iphone project Also this page has full code samples using one of the libraries..

iphone: How do I make my app support two or more languages?


http adeem.me blog 2009 05 09 tutorial iphone localization in xib nib files How simplify iPhone localization http www.raywenderlich.com 2876 how to localize an iphone app tutorial I feel the last one which is from http www.raywenderlich.com is the best one..

UISwitch customization?


Valeriy Van pointed to https github.com homick iPhone Snippets tree master General Also another resource is http www.raywenderlich.com 23424 photoshop for developers creating a custom uiswitch with code at http cdn2.raywenderlich.com wp content uploads 2012..

dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier behavior changed for prototype cells?


code UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier @ Cell return cell I saw this on this link http www.raywenderlich.com 5138 beginning storyboards in ios 5 part 1 Thank's in advance Arildo iphone ios5 tableview storyboard cells share improve..

How to localize an iphone app for different languages?


that correspond to that default language will be used in place. You can check those links for further information http www.raywenderlich.com 2876 how to localize an iphone app tutorial http www.skylarcantu.com blog 2009 08 19 localization your iphone os applications..