

java Programming Glossary: mv

How to use Ajax JQuery in Spring Web MVC


coming set of users in my JSP java jquery ajax jsp spring mvc share improve this question There are a number of ways.. service.loadUsersForDomain selectedDomain ModelAndView mv new ModelAndView sojoView users users return mv If I want to.. mv new ModelAndView sojoView users users return mv If I want to process via a POST request and I wish to load..

How do I run my application as superuser from Eclipse?


as superuser. Rename your java application sudo mv usr lib jvm java 6 openjdk jre bin java usr lib jvm java 6 openjdk..

Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView


method @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mv boolean shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList.. canvas MapView mv boolean shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints new ArrayList GeoPoint.. true canvas.drawPath p mPaint super.draw canvas mv shadow As you can see I make a list of points on a map and I..

How to emit and execute Java bytecode at runtime?


String name ClassWriter cw new ClassWriter 0 MethodVisitor mv cw.visit V1_6 ACC_PUBLIC ACC_SUPER hello HelloWorld null java.. java lang Object null cw.visitSource HelloWorld.java null mv cw.visitMethod ACC_PUBLIC init V null null mv.visitCode Label.. null mv cw.visitMethod ACC_PUBLIC init V null null mv.visitCode Label l0 new Label mv.visitLabel l0 mv.visitLineNumber..

Spring MVC custom scope bean


interface. Please help java spring spring mvc share improve this question I hope it will be useful for.. public ModelAndView login @Valid User user ModelAndView mv new ModelAndView redirect result.html if authService.authenticate.. user.getUserName user.getPassword mv.addObject flashScope.message Success else mv.addObject flashScope.message..

How can I find all the methods that call a given method in Java?


extends ClassAdapter private AppMethodVisitor mv new AppMethodVisitor public String source public String className.. String exceptions methodName name methodDesc desc return mv public void findCallingMethodsInJar String jarPath String targetClass..