

java Programming Glossary: myaction

How to make a redirection in JSF


page is called html body id forwardForm h inputHidden id myAction binding # forwardBean.hiddenAction h inputHidden id myParam..

How to rotate JXImagePanel?


private int interval public Timer myTimer private myAction mAction public TimedRotation RotatableImageComponent comp double.. toRotate long totalTime int interval super interval new myAction this.comp comp this.totalTime totalTime this.toRotate toRotate.. interval public void start if mAction null mAction new myAction if myTimer null myTimer new Timer interval new myAction myTimer.setRepeats..

create hot keys for JButton in java using swing


component input map toolBarButton.getActionMap .put myAction action toolBarButton.getInputMap JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW..