

java Programming Glossary: mycomponent

how to find source component that generated a DocumentEvent


if arg0.getSource instanceof MyComponent MyComponent comp MyComponent arg0.getSource comp.callSpecificMethodUponMyComp.. if arg0.getSource instanceof MyComponent MyComponent comp MyComponent arg0.getSource comp.callSpecificMethodUponMyComp.. if arg0.getSource instanceof MyComponent MyComponent comp MyComponent arg0.getSource comp.callSpecificMethodUponMyComp The answser..

Swing HTML drawString


to draw a HTML string here's a sample code public class MyComponent extends JComponent public MyComponent super protected void.. code public class MyComponent extends JComponent public MyComponent super protected void paintComponent Graphics g some drawing..

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE getContentPane .add new MyComponent setSize 400 400 setVisible true public class MyComponent extends.. MyComponent setSize 400 400 setVisible true public class MyComponent extends JComponent @Override public void paint Graphics g .. 249 19 height width But getContentPane .add new MyComponent Instead of this statement I need to add one base panel to the..