

java Programming Glossary: myhost.com

Using HTTP Basic-Auth with Google App Engine URLFetch service


username password eg GET private index.html HTTP 1.0 Host myhost.com Authorization Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ You will need..

Android: howto parse URL String with spaces to URI object?


an URI object. If is simple try to do String myString http myhost.com media mp3s 9 Agenda of swine 13. Persecution Ascension_ leave..

HTTP POST request with authorization on android


new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost post new HttpPost http myhost.com test.php post.setHeader Accept application json post.setHeader.. Agent Apache HttpClient 4.1 java 1.5 post.setHeader Host myhost.com post.setHeader Authorization getB64Auth List NameValuePair nvps.. UTF 8 post.setEntity ent post.setURI new URI http myhost.com test.php HttpResponse response client.execute post Method getB64Auth..