

java Programming Glossary: myimage

Setting background images in JFrame


g g.drawImage image 0 0 null elsewhere BufferedImage myImage ImageIO.load ... JFrame myJFrame new JFrame Image pane myJFrame.setContentPane.. JFrame Image pane myJFrame.setContentPane new ImagePanel myImage Note that this code does not handle resizing the image to fit..

Java Animate JLabel


the JPanel's paintComponent ... method using g.drawImage myImage x y and your timer would change x and or y and call repaint..

How to upload and store an image with google app engine (java)


imageBlob new Blob IOUtils.toByteArray imgStream MyImage myImage new MyImage imageItem.getName imageBlob persist image PersistenceManager.. pm PMF.get .getPersistenceManager pm.makePersistent myImage pm.close respond to query res.setContentType text plain res.getOutputStream..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


holder else holder ImageHolder row.getTag SetRows myImage data.get position holder.txtTitle.setText myImage.name holder.txtID.setText.. SetRows myImage data.get position holder.txtTitle.setText myImage.name holder.txtID.setText myImage.id int outImage myImage.image.. holder.txtTitle.setText myImage.name holder.txtID.setText myImage.id int outImage myImage.image holder.imgIcon.setImageResource..

Android: Saving Picture to a File and Retrieving it


Bitmap loadPicture String filename Bitmap b Drawable myImage null try FileInputStream fis openFileInput filename ObjectInputStream.. catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace myImage Drawable.createFromStream ois filename b BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace return myImage return b java android android layout image share improve..

How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images in android?


How to upload and store an image with google app engine (java)


other fields e.g. tags location etc @Entity public class MyImage @PrimaryKey @Persistent valueStrategy IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY.. private String name @Persistent Blob image public MyImage public MyImage String name Blob image this.name name this.image.. String name @Persistent Blob image public MyImage public MyImage String name Blob image this.name name this.image image JPA..