

java Programming Glossary: output.write

Upload image from android to java servlet and save it


4096 long count 0L int n 0 while 1 n input.read buffer output.write buffer 0 n count n return count java android image servlets..

Prevent suffix from being added to resources when page loads


10240 input.read buffer 1 buffer.clear output.write ByteBuffer buffer.flip finally if output null try output.close..

Implement pause/resume in file downloading


count input.read data 1 this.isInterrupted total count output.write data 0 count __progress int total 100 fileLength output.flush.. data 0 1024 1 __progress 100 downloadedSize count output.write data 0 count __progress int downloadedSize 100 fileLength ..

Connecting an input stream to an outputstream


want int bytesRead while bytesRead input.read buffer 1 output.write buffer 0 bytesRead That should work fine basically the read..

Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application


new byte 8192 int length while length input.read buffer 0 output.write buffer 0 length finally if output null try output.close catch..

How to retrieve and display images from a database in a JSP page?


new byte 1024 for int length length input.read buffer 1 output.write buffer 0 length finally if output null try output.close catch..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


charset OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream try output.write query.getBytes charset finally try output.close catch IOException.. new byte 1024 for int length 0 length input.read buffer 0 output.write buffer 0 length output.flush Important Output cannot be closed...

Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application


new byte 10240 for int length length input.read buffer 0 output.write buffer 0 length finally close output close input facesContext.responseComplete..

Implement OAuth in Java


Agent XXXX OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream output.write header.getBytes charset BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader..

Writing image to servlet response with best performance


new byte 8192 for int length 0 length input.read buffer 0 output.write buffer 0 length finally if output null try output.close catch..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


length is known publishProgress int total 100 fileLength output.write data 0 count catch Exception e return e.toString finally.. 100 fileLength receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData output.write data 0 count output.flush output.close input.close catch..

How to insert JSF page rendering time and response size into the page itself, at least partially?


@Override public void write int b throws IOException output.write b @Override public void flush throws IOException output.flush..

Reading binary file from URLConnection


how to resume an interrupted download


1 total count publishProgress int total 100 lengthFile output.write data 0 count Log.d AsyncDownloadFile bytes total Close streams...

How to make a deep copy of an InputStream in Java


int count 0 int n 0 while 1 n input.read buffer output.write buffer 0 n count n return count Read more http kickjava.com..

How to copy input/output streams of the Process to their System counterparts?


boolean set outside of your thread if len input.read buf 0 output.write buf 0 len This reads in chunks as many bytes as there are available..

Resume http file download in java


long total 0 while count input.read data 1 total count output.write data 0 count in this code I try to resume download. Target file..