

java Programming Glossary: outputformat

How to select and crop an image in android?


getTempUri photoPickerIntent.putExtra outputFormat Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.toString startActivityForResult photoPickerIntent..

capture live video from webcam using java [closed]


setup output video and audio data format Format outputFormat new Format 2 outputFormat 0 new VideoFormat VideoFormat.RGB.. and audio data format Format outputFormat new Format 2 outputFormat 0 new VideoFormat VideoFormat.RGB outputFormat 0 new VideoFormat.. Format 2 outputFormat 0 new VideoFormat VideoFormat.RGB outputFormat 0 new VideoFormat VideoFormat.YUV outputFormat 1 new AudioFormat..

How to query a web service via POST request in Android?


encoding UTF 8 wfs GetFeature service WFS version 1.1.0 outputFormat JSON xmlns ogdwien http www.wien.gv.at ogdwien xmlns wfs http..