

java Programming Glossary: outputdirectory

How do I execute a set of goals before my Maven plugin runs?


includeTypes war includeTypes overWrite true overWrite outputDirectory project.build.outputDirectory wars outputDirectory configuration.. overWrite true overWrite outputDirectory project.build.outputDirectory wars outputDirectory configuration execution execution goals.. outputDirectory project.build.outputDirectory wars outputDirectory configuration execution execution goals goal org.apache.maven.plugins..

With Maven, how can I build a distributable that has my project's jar and all of the dependent jars?


dependencySet unpack false unpack scope runtime scope outputDirectory lib outputDirectory dependencySet dependencySets fileSets fileSet.. false unpack scope runtime scope outputDirectory lib outputDirectory dependencySet dependencySets fileSets fileSet directory src.. fileSets fileSet directory src main command directory outputDirectory bin outputDirectory includes include .sh include include .bat..

java.util.NoSuchElementException while starting an OSGi framework programatically


goal goals execution executions configuration outputDirectory target config StreamConf outputDirectory resources resource.. configuration outputDirectory target config StreamConf outputDirectory resources resource directory buildsrc StreamConf directory..

Is it possible to create an “uber” jar containing the project classes and the project dependencies as jars with a custom manifest file?


dependencySets fileSets fileSet directory project.build.outputDirectory directory outputDirectory outputDirectory fileSet fileSets assembly.. fileSet directory project.build.outputDirectory directory outputDirectory outputDirectory fileSet fileSets assembly Then configure the.. project.build.outputDirectory directory outputDirectory outputDirectory fileSet fileSets assembly Then configure the maven assembly..

Maven GWT 2.0 and Eclipse


4.4 version scope test scope dependency dependencies build outputDirectory war WEB INF classes outputDirectory plugins plugin groupId org.codehaus.mojo.. dependencies build outputDirectory war WEB INF classes outputDirectory plugins plugin groupId org.codehaus.mojo groupId artifactId..

Maven, Proguard and assembly issues


classes injar outjar project.build.finalName .jar outjar outputDirectory project.build.directory outputDirectory proguardInclude src.. .jar outjar outputDirectory project.build.directory outputDirectory proguardInclude src main assembly proguard.conf proguardInclude.. .jar injar outjar project.build.finalName small.jar outjar outputDirectory project.build.directory outputDirectory libs lib java.home lib..

force Maven2 to copy dependencies into target/lib


goal copy dependencies goal goals configuration outputDirectory project.build.directory lib outputDirectory configuration.. outputDirectory project.build.directory lib outputDirectory configuration execution executions plugin plugins build..