

java Programming Glossary: outside

How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps?


Plane using 3 byte UTF 8 characters. If you need to go outside of that certain alphabets require more than 3 bytes of UTF 8..

Places where JavaBeans are used?


if you'd like to be able to persist or transfer Javabeans outside Java's memory e.g. in harddisk or over network. In for example..

Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application


way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application I have a Java.. the the web container but storing and loading them from outside the web container is giving me headache. I'd prefer not to use.. directory being a symbolic link pointing to a directory outside the web container but will this approach work both on Windows..

Where to place configuration properties files in a JSP/Servlet web application?


folder . You can alternatively also put it somewhere outside the default classpath and add its path to the classpath of the.. I personally prefer putting it in the classpath outside the project add new path to the classpath so that I can manage.. add new path to the classpath so that I can manage it from outside and so I don't need to hardcode an absolute disk file system..

non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context


list mid found true compareCount end of inside if end of outside if else if key list mid compareCount high mid 1 findKey list.. low mid 1 findKey list low high key end of else end of outside while end of findKey public static void printCount System.out.println..

Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage


a string drawn at position 0 0 will be rendered entirely outside the image. See this example . Addendum You may be having trouble..

When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions


power to validate the input parameters but some condition outside their control has caused the operation to fail. For example..

Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar?


that days start with 1 of course. I doubt whether anyone outside the original implementation team could really state reasons..

What does the 'static' keyword do in a class?


use the original clock . Unless you needed clock somewhere outside of main this would work just as well package hello public class..

Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?


a progress bar be used in a class outside main Right now my main just calls a gui with 10 rows. Based..

How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?


loads and initializes classes. Do not load new classes outside of the warmup phase or final reporting phase unless you are..

Passing current Date


I must to set fix size for animations otherwise some Start outside Rectangle 490 x 490 freeze or shaking on the screen my SSCCE..