

java Programming Glossary: selectedvalue

java drag and drop


void dragGestureRecognized DragGestureEvent dge Object selectedValue list.getSelectedValue if selectedValue instanceof User User.. dge Object selectedValue list.getSelectedValue if selectedValue instanceof User User user User selectedValue Transferable.. if selectedValue instanceof User User user User selectedValue Transferable t new UserTransferable user DragSource ds dge.getDragSource..

Can someone explain how to use FastTags


template int fromLine Object value args.get arg Object selectedValue TagContext.parent select .data.get selected boolean selected.. select .data.get selected boolean selected selectedValue null value null selectedValue.equals value out.print option.. selected boolean selected selectedValue null value null selectedValue.equals value out.print option value value null value selected..

Can I use a Java JOptionPane in a non-modal way?


says not to block background components dialog.show Object selectedValue pane.getValue if selectedValue null return CLOSED_OPTION If.. dialog.show Object selectedValue pane.getValue if selectedValue null return CLOSED_OPTION If there is not an array of option.. there is not an array of option buttons if options null if selectedValue instanceof Integer return Integer selectedValue .intValue return..