

java Programming Glossary: sendrequest

How to execute web request in its own thread?


catch Exception ex Log.e TAG ex.getMessage public void sendRequest String requestString requests.add requestString handler new.. handler new Handler handler.post requestSender The method sendRequest is called from the main activity which implements ServerResponseHandler...

Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method easily


requests with some parameters via GET method function void sendRequest String request i.e. request http example.com index.php param1..

Reading file from serial port in Java


SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE number FLASH sendRequest number catch UnsupportedCommOperationException e public void.. got message response FLASH_OK number FILENAME sendRequest number out new FileOutputStream winFile true out.write readBufferArray.. e.printStackTrace readBufferArray null break public void sendRequest int num switch num case FLASH try outputStream.write messageString.getBytes..

How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection?


the server will be successful. Here's the basic code void sendRequest String dataPacket String urlStr https host.example.com URL url..