

java Programming Glossary: selectitems

How to display list of countries and cities in JSF page


f ajax for this. h selectOneMenu value # bean.country f selectItems value # bean.countries f ajax listener # bean.changeCountry.. value # bean.city rendered # not empty bean.cities f selectItems value # bean.cities h selectOneMenu h panelGroup with something..

How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields


# df.choicesSelected rendered # df.type 'SELECTMANY' s selectItems value # df.choices var c label # c h selectManyMenu h selectManyCheckbox.. # df.choicesSelected rendered # df.type 'CHECKMANY' s selectItems value # df.choices var c label # c h selectManyCheckbox br.. # bean.values field.name rendered # field.type 'RADIO' f selectItems value # field.options h selectOneRadio h selectOneMenu value..

JSF 2.0 use enum in selectMany menu


value # userController.roles layout pageDirection f selectItems value # userController.rolesSelectMany h selectManyCheckbox.. # userController.roles converter securityRoleConverter f selectItems value # userController.rolesSelectMany h selectManyCheckbox.. f converter converterId securityRoleConverter f selectItems value # userController.rolesSelectMany h selectManyCheckbox..

JSF: Best way to Enum internationalization (i18n)


like that input h selectOneMenu value # order.status f selectItems value # flowUtils.orderStatuses h selectOneMenu output h outputText.. JSF 2.0 you can iterate over a generic array or List in f selectItems by the new var attribute without the need to duplicate the values.. config.xml h selectOneMenu value # bean.orderStatus f selectItems value # bean.orderStatuses var orderStatus itemValue # orderStatus..

How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB?


Basic example To answer your question directly just use f selectItems whose value points to a List T property which you preserve from.. represents a String . h selectOneMenu value # bean.name f selectItems value # bean.names h selectOneMenu with @ManagedBean @RequestScoped.. dropdown item label and value. Note that the bean for f selectItems does not necessarily need to be the same bean as the bean for..