

java Programming Glossary: sendcommand

Sending a message to all running client threads


Socket client this.client client public void run ... sendCommand parameter ... public void sendCommand String command PrintWriter.. public void run ... sendCommand parameter ... public void sendCommand String command PrintWriter out null try out new PrintWriter..

java: how can i do dynamic casting of a variable from one type to another?


any good jsch examples?


warnMessage return warnMessage public String sendCommand String command StringBuilder outputBuffer new StringBuilder.. void close sesConnection.disconnect For testing. Test of sendCommand method of class SSHManager. @Test public void testSendCommand.. @Test public void testSendCommand System.out.println sendCommand YOU MUST CHANGE THE FOLLOWING FILE_NAME A FILE IN THE DIRECTORY..

How to disable echo when sending a terminal command using apache-commons-net TelnetClient


value catch Exception e e.printStackTrace public String sendCommand String command try write command return readUntil prompt .. Got Connection... System.out.println run command telnet.sendCommand ls telnet.sendCommand cd netConf telnet.sendCommand ls telnet.sendCommand.. run command telnet.sendCommand ls telnet.sendCommand cd netConf telnet.sendCommand ls telnet.sendCommand cd lanSetup..