

javascript Programming Glossary: addloadevent

How to use prettify with blogger/blogspot?


lang css.js script script type text javascript function addLoadEvent func var oldonload window.onload if typeof window.onload 'function'.. else window.onload function if oldonload oldonload func addLoadEvent function prettyPrint script style type text css Pretty printing.. it see the readme for details . Which is why we're passing addLoadEvent a function that then turns around and calls prettyPrint . In..

JavaScript Event Listeners vs Event Handlers


difference I know that this works the way I want it to. addLoadEvent converter Converter function converter var pixels document.getElementById.. updateNode true But this doesn't and only runs once. addLoadEvent converter Converter function converter var pixels document.getElementById.. In fact does a listener even need to be added to the addLoadEvent function javascript html share improve this question addEventListener..

Load jQuery in a js, then execute a script that depends on it


the call ITSELF in an 'onload' handler like so function addLoadEvent func var oldonload window.onload if typeof window.onload 'function'.. window.onload function if oldonload oldonload func addLoadEvent function var script document.createElement script script.type..

Using Google Analytics asynchnonous code from external JS file


Here's what I've currently got in my .js file function addLoadEvent func var oldonload window.onload if typeof window.onload 'function'.. 'script' 0 s.parentNode.insertBefore ga s addLoadEvent loadtracking And here's what I've got in the head tag of my..

How do you automatically set the focus to a textbox when a web page loads?


that this will replace other on load handlers so look up addLoadEvent in google for a safe way to append onload handlers rather than..

Set cursor position in html textbox


textareas on the page when they receive focus... function addLoadEvent func if typeof window.onload 'function' window.onload func else..