

javascript Programming Glossary: addresses

Alternative to a million IF statements


I need to make another string that gives all the email addresses of the names. The email addresses are not on the webpage so.. that gives all the email addresses of the names. The email addresses are not on the webpage so I will have to list every possible..

Can I lookup the IP address of a hostname from javascript?


improve this question There's no notion of hosts or ip addresses in the javascript standard library. So you'll have to access..

HTML “overlay” which allows clicks to fall through to elements behind it


a lot of information on the DOM event model but none of it addresses the problem where the buttons and other native controls never..

Regular expression for URL validation (in JavaScript)


IRI as well as old school URI so we can link to valid addresses like http en.wikipedia.org wiki http 例ã . †ã‚¹ I would go only..

Google Maps API v3 - IP-based Geolocation


other locations. However note that geolocation from IP addresses is not a very reliable science. You will be getting the location..

array.contains(obj) in JavaScript


Best way to find an item in a JavaScript Array which addresses finding objects in an array using indexOf . javascript arrays..

How do I Geocode 20 addresses without receiving an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT response?


do I Geocode 20 addresses without receiving an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT response Using the Google.. Using the Google Geocoder v3 if I try to geocode 20 addresses I get an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT unless I time them to be ~1 second..

Deobfuscating Javascript [closed]


render the page with Webkit and traverse the DOM for email addresses ... So.. how to deobfuscate Go to http jsbeautifier.org Paste..

MAC addresses in JavaScript


addresses in JavaScript I know that we can get the MAC address of a user..

How to Display Multiple Google Maps per page with API V3


V3 . Kindly note that this is an off the cuff code that addresses the issue above. The HTML bit div id map_canvas style width..

best way to detect country / location of visitor? [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate Location detecting tecniques for IP addresses For our website it's important to know from exactly which country..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


a Javascript function you can have it do anything so this addresses your question about side effects . Here is an example of another..

Securing a remote ajax method call


at your end. A simpler way would be to restrict the IP addresses that are allowed to hit the service page. But then you run into.. hit the service page. But then you run into issues with IP addresses changing etc. BTW much of this was typed as I did the post so..

Opera won't load some JavaScript files


malicious server. To counter this Opera knows that some IP addresses are not used on the public web such as or 192.168...

how to use the google maps api with greasemonkey to read a table of addresses and trace the route?


the google maps api with greasemonkey to read a table of addresses and trace the route There is a website which holds the buses..

Loading backbone and underscore using requirejs


improve this question RequireJS 2.X now organically addresses non AMD modules such as Backbone Underscore much better using..

JavaScript Regular Expression Email Validation


^ w @ a zA Z_ . a zA Z 2 3 BTW please don't validate email addresses on the client side. Your regular expression is way too simple..

Why avoid increment (“++”) and decrement (“--”) operators in JavaScript?


JavaScript Part 5 The End of All Things Douglas Crockford addresses the issue more directly and with more detail. It appears at..