

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:29

jquery Programming Glossary: fnrender

jQuery DataTables fnrender with objects


This is my js code '#example' .dataTable bProcessing true sAjaxSource data data.txt aoColumns sClass center fnRender function oObj return oObj.aData 0 ' ' oObj.aData 2 mDataProp fid sClass center mDataProp fname sClass center I just.. an array and there is no 0 field. Use syntax like this oObj.aData.link or oObj.aData link Full example only modified fnRender return value '#example' .dataTable bProcessing true sAjaxSource data data.txt aoColumns sClass center fnRender function.. fnRender return value '#example' .dataTable bProcessing true sAjaxSource data data.txt aoColumns sClass center fnRender function oObj return ' a href ' oObj.aData.link ' ' oObj.aData.ftitle ' a ' mDataProp fid sClass center mDataProp fname..

How can I get jQuery DataTables to sort on hidden value, but search on displayed value?


DataTables to sort based on the Date.SortValue property and to make the Display property visible to the user by using fnRender . So this gets me halfway to my goal. var dataTableConfig sAjaxSource getreports sAjaxDataProp Reports aoColumns mDataProp.. sAjaxDataProp Reports aoColumns mDataProp User mDataProp Date.Sort bSortable true sName Date bUseRendered false fnRender function oObj return oObj.aData oObj.oSettings.aoColumns oObj.iDataColumn .sName .Display Here's my problem. I want to.. zero results because datatables filters based on the value specified in mDataProp not based on the value returned from fnRender . Can anyone help me figure out how to sort AND filter a date column Thanks. jquery jquery plugins datatables share improve..