

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:29

jquery Programming Glossary: foo.bar

Does jQuery or JavaScript have the concept of classes and objects?


Foo function Foo.prototype new Baz var foo new Foo Does foo.bar exist yes. Then execute it no Does the prototype object of the.. prototype object. no. OK we're giving up. Throw an error. foo.bar Hold on you said something about parasitic inheritance There..

using jQuery in object-oriented way


and properties to the jQuery item .extend item new foo.bar Finally initialize the object. Note that the constructor in..

Why doesn't this jquery selector with a period work


with with two backslashes . For example an element with id foo.bar can use the selector #foo .bar . In general try not to use periods..

Ajax functions like .load() strip out comments from the HTML. How can I keep the comments?


I keep the comments For example '#some div' .load 'http foo.bar #content' will retrieve #content from http foo.bar but with.. 'http foo.bar #content' will retrieve #content from http foo.bar but with all HTML comments stripped. How can I retrieve the..

Shorthand function for checking whether a property exists


var data foo bar 42 isDefined data foo true isDefined data foo.bar true isDefined data notfoo false isDefined data foo.baz false..

Does jQuery or JavaScript have the concept of classes and objects?


var Baz function Baz.prototype.bar function alert 1 var Foo function Foo.prototype new Baz var foo new Foo Does foo.bar exist yes. Then execute it no Does the prototype object of the constructor function have a bar property yes. Then execute.. Then it must have a prototype. Lookup a bar member in that prototype object. no. OK we're giving up. Throw an error. foo.bar Hold on you said something about parasitic inheritance There is a key difference between classical OO inheritance and prototype..

using jQuery in object-oriented way


javascript object you want to create and copy all of it's functions and properties to the jQuery item .extend item new foo.bar Finally initialize the object. Note that the constructor in previous step cannot be used for this since the this object..

Why doesn't this jquery selector with a period work


# ' . @ ^` ~ as a literal part of a name it must be escaped with with two backslashes . For example an element with id foo.bar can use the selector #foo .bar . In general try not to use periods or other special characters in your IDs to avoid confusion..

Ajax functions like .load() strip out comments from the HTML. How can I keep the comments?


like .load strip out comments from the HTML. How can I keep the comments For example '#some div' .load 'http foo.bar #content' will retrieve #content from http foo.bar but with all HTML comments stripped. How can I retrieve the contents.. How can I keep the comments For example '#some div' .load 'http foo.bar #content' will retrieve #content from http foo.bar but with all HTML comments stripped. How can I retrieve the contents of #content including any comments javascript jquery..

Shorthand function for checking whether a property exists


branch return true It's supposed to be used like this var data foo bar 42 isDefined data foo true isDefined data foo.bar true isDefined data notfoo false isDefined data foo.baz false You can easily tweak this to return the value itself or null..