

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:29

jquery Programming Glossary: follows

jQuery.click() vs onClick


question Using '#myDiv' .click function is better as it follows standard event registration model. jQuery internally uses addEventListener.. listener as specified in W3C DOM. Its benefits are as follows It allows adding more than a single handler for an event. This..

jQuery Validate - require at least one field in a group to be filled


messages upon successful validation. You can do this as follows as demonstrated here . success function label label.html .addClass..

Trying to Validate URL Using JavaScript


ones. Instead a. use a proper URL parser that actually follows the real rules. I don't know of one for JavaScript it would..

In jQuery, how to attach events to dynamic html elements?


.click function do something And my html might be as follows a class myclass href # test1 a a class myclass href # test2..

jQuery memory leak with DOM removal


my own remove function that experiences no memory leak as follows .fn.removeWithoutLeaking function this.each function i e if..

How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips?


plugin to automatically show and hide the tooltips as follows document .ready function initialize validate plugin on the form..

How to add anchor tag to a URL from text input


more flexibility in the future. One example found online follows text preg_replace '@ https w . d w _ . S @' ' a href 1 1 a '..

How to disable text selection using jQuery?


improve this question In jQuery 1.8 this can be done as follows function .fn.disableSelection function return this .attr 'unselectable'..

jqGrid get “th” and “thead” using jQuery


corresponds the th . The long description of my answer follows. I understand the reason of your question. If you have for example..

jQuery: live() vs delegate()


as of jQuery 1.7 is with the on function. The syntax is as follows '#containerElement' .on 'click' 'a.myClass' function ... share..

Jquery live() vs delegate()


as of jQuery 1.7 is with the on function. The syntax is as follows '#containerElement' .on 'click' 'a.myClass' function ... share..

jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area


this call would result in the cursor being positioned as follows abcd efg. Java has a similar function setCaretPosition. Does.. Update I modified CMS's code to work with jQuery as follows new function .fn.setCursorPosition function pos if this .get..

jquery jqgrid Show message when an edit row is complete


question First of all the option closeAfterEdit true follows to closing of the edit form after the successful server response...

get CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery


percentage value in jQuery Let's say the rule is as follows .largeField width 65 Is there a way to get '65 ' back somehow..

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


to create an html output called weather.xsl with code as follows DWXMLSource http weather.yahooapis.com forecastrss w 38325 u.. div in an html file which I'm trying to do using jQuery as follows div id result script type text javascript '#result' .load 'weather.xsl'..

Calling ASP.NET server side method via JQuery


side method from client side via jQuery my code is as follows Server side using System.Web.Services WebMethod ScriptMethod..

JQuery pass more parameters into callback


data textStatus Therefore I think the solution is as follows var doSomething function extraStuff return function data textStatus..

jQuery.click() vs onClick


html javascript events jquery events share improve this question Using '#myDiv' .click function is better as it follows standard event registration model. jQuery internally uses addEventListener and attachEvent . Basically registering an event.. From MDN addEventListener is the way to register an event listener as specified in W3C DOM. Its benefits are as follows It allows adding more than a single handler for an event. This is particularly useful for DHTML libraries or Mozilla extensions..

jQuery Validate - require at least one field in a group to be filled


assumes that you're adding a class of .checked to your error messages upon successful validation. You can do this as follows as demonstrated here . success function label label.html .addClass checked As in the demo linked above I use CSS to give..

Trying to Validate URL Using JavaScript


current expression fails many valid URLs and passes invalid ones. Instead a. use a proper URL parser that actually follows the real rules. I don't know of one for JavaScript it would probably be overkill. You could do it on the server side though..

In jQuery, how to attach events to dynamic html elements?


all elements with class myclass . For example function .myclass .click function do something And my html might be as follows a class myclass href # test1 a a class myclass href # test2 a a class myclass href # test3 a That works with no problem...

jQuery memory leak with DOM removal


function I still experience some memory leakage. I can write my own remove function that experiences no memory leak as follows .fn.removeWithoutLeaking function this.each function i e if e.parentNode e.parentNode.removeChild e This works just fine..

How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips?


and errorPlacement callback functions built into the Validate plugin to automatically show and hide the tooltips as follows document .ready function initialize validate plugin on the form '#myform' .validate any other options rules errorPlacement..

How to add anchor tag to a URL from text input


user. This will cut down on all confusion and will allow you more flexibility in the future. One example found online follows text preg_replace '@ https w . d w _ . S @' ' a href 1 1 a ' text And a much more thorough one from daringfireball.net Replace..

How to disable text selection using jQuery?


given document elements javascript jquery jquery ui share improve this question In jQuery 1.8 this can be done as follows function .fn.disableSelection function return this .attr 'unselectable' 'on' .css 'user select' 'none' .on 'selectstart'..

jqGrid get “th” and “thead” using jQuery


#list 0 .grid.headers It returns the array of this DOM elements corresponds the th . The long description of my answer follows. I understand the reason of your question. If you have for example defined the base part of jqGrid as table id list table..

jQuery: live() vs delegate()


Jquery live() vs delegate()


jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area


look like If you had a text field with the content abcdefg this call would result in the cursor being positioned as follows abcd efg. Java has a similar function setCaretPosition. Does a similar method exist for javascript Update I modified CMS's.. setCaretPosition. Does a similar method exist for javascript Update I modified CMS's code to work with jQuery as follows new function .fn.setCursorPosition function pos if this .get 0 .setSelectionRange this .get 0 .setSelectionRange pos pos..

jquery jqgrid Show message when an edit row is complete


javascript jquery jqgrid data manipulation share improve this question First of all the option closeAfterEdit true follows to closing of the edit form after the successful server response. You should change the setting to the default value closeAfterEdit..

get CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery


CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery Let's say the rule is as follows .largeField width 65 Is there a way to get '65 ' back somehow and not the pixel value Thanks. EDIT Unfortunately using DOM..

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


by Access Control Allow Origin I have made a small xslt file to create an html output called weather.xsl with code as follows DWXMLSource http weather.yahooapis.com forecastrss w 38325 u c xsl stylesheet version 1.0 xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999.. xsl stylesheet I want to load in the html output into a div in an html file which I'm trying to do using jQuery as follows div id result script type text javascript '#result' .load 'weather.xsl' script div But I am getting the following error..

Calling ASP.NET server side method via JQuery


server side method via JQuery I'm trying to call a server side method from client side via jQuery my code is as follows Server side using System.Web.Services WebMethod ScriptMethod public static void SendMessage string subject string message..

JQuery pass more parameters into callback


be a function pointer accepting the following function callBack data textStatus Therefore I think the solution is as follows var doSomething function extraStuff return function data textStatus do something with extraStuff var clicked function var..