

php Programming Glossary: set_charset

PHP with MySQL is Slow (SOLVED)


mysqli new mysqli 'localhost' 'root' '' 'testdb' mysqli set_charset utf8 if mysqli_connect_errno echo Connection Failed . mysqli_connect_errno..

Properly Escaping with MySQLI | query over prepared statements


Connection STD new mysqli 'localhost' 'root' 'xx' 'xx' STD set_charset 'utf8' if STD connect_error die Standard Access Has Been Revoked... either at the server level or with the API function mysqli_set_charset for it to affect mysqli_real_escape_string . See the concepts.. value in quotes and set proper encoding using mysqli_set_charset to be strict . Look SQL injection not something essential existing..

UTF-8 all the way through


'mysql charset utf8' If you're using mysqli you can call set_charset mysqli set_charset 'utf8' object oriented style mysqli_set_charset.. If you're using mysqli you can call set_charset mysqli set_charset 'utf8' object oriented style mysqli_set_charset link 'utf8'.. mysqli set_charset 'utf8' object oriented style mysqli_set_charset link 'utf8' procedural style If the driver does not provide..

Php addslashes sql injection still valid?


tried this or everybody is taken it for granted I added db set_charset GBK I used gbk_chinese_ci for db fields The mysql log shows.. mysql_num_rows result var_dump mysql_client_encoding mysql_set_charset GBK username mysql_real_escape_string _POST 'username' password..

setting utf8 with mysql through php


localhost x x con query SET NAMES 'utf8' con set_charset 'utf8' recordsQuery SELECT ARTICLE_NAME FROM AUCTIONS1 if getRecords..

Special characters in PHP / MySQL


simple mysqli new mysqli localhost user password db mysqli set_charset utf8 I hope that will help to make the whole thing more understandable...