

php Programming Glossary: setter

Setting PHP session variables using Flash Actionscript


you do end up needing to call session_id in this way as a setter that you do so before calling session_start . share improve..

Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model


want to use a CLI code generator to generate getters and setters really I use the NetBeans one using ALT INSERT . I want the.. object . I mean private attributes hardcoded getters and setters for each attribute. I have an Abstract class called AbstractModel.. to raise the internal flag is_dirty without coding in each setter this is_dirty true I mean I want to have the setters as this..

Database and OOP Practices in PHP


Sms function __construct db .... sms new Sms new MyDbClass setter injection class Sms protected db sms new Sms sms db new MyDbClass..

Pre-declare all private/local variables?


values filtering can be done in the constructor and or setter methods. The rule for visibility is similar to any rule in code..

Searching from comma separated value


What is the easiest to use ORM framework for PHP?


ACID operations for free. I should get default getters and setters without writing any code but overriding a default getter or.. writing any code but overriding a default getter or setter is as easy as declaring get fieldName or set fieldName functions..

declare property as object?


public function __construct Bar bar this bar bar or use setter injection. class Foo protected bar public function setBar Bar..

Magento order status change events


extends Mage_Sales_Model_Order Order state protected setter. By default allows to set any state. Can also update status..

Is this a reasonable way to handle getters/setters in a PHP class?


this a reasonable way to handle getters setters in a PHP class I'm going to try something with the format.. on to the class itself I see a lot of debate about getter setter class methods and is it better to just access simple property.. method. Another good argument against handling getters and setters this way is that it makes it really hard to document. In fact..

PHP Readonly Properties?


access. For PHP it's best to adopt a policy of only using setter methods to change a property from the outside. share improve..

How can public fields “break lazy loading” in Doctrine 2?


about my mapped columns being public and not using getter setter methods to wrap them. It says that they break lazy loading ...

Doctrine 2 Whats the Recommended Way to Access Properties?


public Whats your recommendation php doctrine2 getter setter share improve this question Here's why you can't use public..

PHP __get and __set magic methods


The magic methods are not substitutes for getters and setters. They just allow you to handle method calls or property access..

Magic methods (__get, __set) not working in extended class? [duplicate]


use __get and __set as a replacement for getters and setters. Since they are triggered when trying to access a non accessible..

Is it really that wrong not using setters and getters?


it really that wrong not using setters and getters I'm kind of new in PHP. For some reason in other.. languages like JAVA I have no problem with using setters and getters for every single variable but when I'm programming.. against OO principles. Is it really that wrong not using setters and getters Why or why not How do you guys do it most of the..

Can you create instance properties dynamically in PHP?


name value That's an example for dynamic getter and setter methods it allows you to execute behavior whenever an object..

Check if property exists


to check if a property exists which are set using magic setter class Test private vars public function __set key value this.. need to setup another function in my class php getter setter share improve this question Use __isset and isset public..