

php Programming Glossary: setpassword

PHP Fatal error: 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server


'smtp.gmail.com' 465 'ssl' setUsername 'xxx@gmail.com' setPassword 'xxx' Create the Mailer using your created Transport mailer..

removing password from rsa private key


works php include 'Crypt RSA.php' rsa new Crypt_RSA rsa setPassword 'password' result rsa loadKey ' BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY Proc Type..

phpseclib or ssh2 pecl extension


ssh new Net_SSH2 'domain.tld' ssh login 'username' rsa ssh setPassword 'password' echo ssh exec 'ls la' Ignoring the API for the time..

Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer


'smtp.connection.com' 25 setUsername 'myUserName' setPassword 'myPassword' mailer registerPlugin new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin..

Making $_SESSION available in controllers


create 'user' user setUsername parameters 'login' user setPassword parameters 'pass' mapper fetch user this currentUser user isValid..

Models in the Zend Framework


User extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract public function setPassword SET THE PASSWORD FOR A SINGLE ROW CONTROLLER public function.. THE PASSWORD FOR A SINGLE ROW CONTROLLER public function setPasswordAction GET YOUR PARAMS users new Users user users getById id.. GET YOUR PARAMS users new Users user users getById id user setPassword password user save There are numerous ways to approach this...

Using php's swiftmailer with gmail


587 setUsername 'softrain.evaluaciones@gmail.com' setPassword 'softrain1234' transport Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance 'smtp.gmail.com'.. 587 setUsername 'softrain.evaluaciones@gmail.com' setPassword 'password' echo 'line 40 br ' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance.. 'smtp.gmail.com' 465 'ssl' setUsername this username setPassword this password this mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance transporter..

trying to send mail using swift mailer, gmail smtp, php


newInstance 'smtp.gmail.com' 465 setUsername 'me@ff.com' setPassword 'pass' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance transport message Swift_Message..

Symfony2 create own encoder for storing password


0 10 pwd encoder encodePassword user getPassword salt user setPassword salt. pwd I could do that in my getSalt return substr this password..