

php Programming Glossary: set_exception_handler

Error logging, in a smooth way


throw new Exception or from a standard function call . Use set_exception_handler to define the callback you want to use to handle the exception.. bubbles up to the highest level the callback you set with set_exception_handler will be executed. This is where your logging code belongs for.. your exception handling here. previousExceptionHandler set_exception_handler 'exceptionHandler' Shutdown Function function shutdownFunction..

Stop script execution upon notice/warning


best combined with a parallel exception handling strategy set_exception_handler to gracefully terminate in production environments. Note that..

CodeIgniter: Try Catch is not working in model class


echo ' pre ' header HTTP 1.0 500 Internal Server Error set_exception_handler my_exception_handler Set a termination handler function my_fatal_handler..

Using AJAX to return query results based on drop down box


'HTTP 1.1 500 Internal Server Error' echo 'Internal error' set_exception_handler 'handleException' we are using PDO easier to use as mysqli and..

Exceptions in PHP - Try/Catch or set_exception_handler?


in PHP Try Catch or set_exception_handler I'm developing some lower end code in my system that uses multiple.. very crappy implementation. I also don't like the idea of set_exception_handler unless i can sett the function to be a method of an object... your web requests through a Front Controller script call set_exception_handler early in that script don't forget to account for error_reporting..

In PHP5, should I use Exceptions or trigger_error/set_error_handler? [closed]


will let you display nice messages even for errors using set_exception_handler . It does not disrupt existing code in any way... trigger_error..