

php Programming Glossary: strpos

What does “=>” mean in PHP?


How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server


GLOBALS 'HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA' filteredData substr imageData strpos imageData 1 unencodedData base64_decode filteredData fp fopen.. data _POST 'imgData' file path to file.png uri substr data strpos data 1 file_put_contents file base64_decode uri echo file This..

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?


check if multiple ips exist in var if strpos _SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ' ' false iplist explode ' '..

“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate]


'MM_UserGroup' MM_qsChar MM_referrer _SERVER 'PHP_SELF' if strpos MM_restrictGoTo MM_qsChar if isset QUERY_STRING strlen QUERY_STRING.. progress.php if isset _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' deleteGoTo . strpos deleteGoTo ' ' deleteGoTo . _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' header sprintf..

Create a CSV File for a user in PHP


encode CSV fields function maybeEncodeCSVField string if strpos string ' ' false strpos string ' ' false strpos string n false.. maybeEncodeCSVField string if strpos string ' ' false strpos string ' ' false strpos string n false string ' ' . str_replace.. string if strpos string ' ' false strpos string ' ' false strpos string n false string ' ' . str_replace ' ' ' ' string . ' '..

How do I make a simple crawler in PHP?


anchors as element href element getAttribute 'href' if 0 strpos href 'http' path ' ' . ltrim href ' ' if extension_loaded 'http'..

PHP image upload security check list


strtolower filetype check if contain php and kill it pos strpos filename 'php' if pos false die 'error' get the file ext file_ext.. extension please upload images only' check upload type pos strpos filetype 'image' if pos false die 'error 1' imageinfo getimagesize..

PHP + DOMDocument: outerHTML for element?


a as link url link getAttribute href if strpos url .flv echo link outerHTML unfortunately outerHTML doesn't..

Create Subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP)


like so subdomain substr _SERVER 'SERVER_NAME' 0 strpos _SERVER 'SERVER_NAME' '.' Mass Virtual Hosting Mass virtual..

How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters?


splitting you simply take the first line substr string 0 strpos wordwrap string your_desired_width n One thing this oneliner.. wordwrap string your_desired_width string substr string 0 strpos string n The above solution has the problem of prematurely cutting..

Ignore html tags in preg_replace


new TextRange textNodes ranges array while FALSE start strpos range search base range split start range base split strlen.. . A note of warning This example uses binary string search strpos and the related offsets for splitting textnodes with the DOMText.. UTF 8 character offset. The correct method is to use mb_strpos to obtain the UTF 8 based value. The example works anyway because..

PHP startsWith() and endsWith() functions


function startsWith haystack needle return needle strpos haystack needle 0 function endsWith haystack needle return needle..