

php Programming Glossary: struggling

Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model


and getParameters please share because i have been struggling to come up with something better. This seems to me like encapsulation..

PHP PDO prepared statements


in my application. Whilst I understand the benefits I am struggling to understand how I implement them into my workflow. Aside from..

Handling PUT/DELETE arguments in PHP


working on my REST client library for CodeIgniter and I am struggling to work out how to send PUT and DELETE arguments in PHP. In..

How to pass variables as stdin into command line from PHP


out and since my research on Google suggests others may be struggling I'll post the code that specifically worked for my problem blank_pdf_form..

Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API


can fetch and write some data pretty easily. Something I'm struggling to find decent documentation on is uploading images to an album...

Why do I need to use a popular framework?


of a time saver. Even looking at the forums I see people struggling to get the tools to work for them. I do understand how they..

php send e-mail with attachment


that should send an e mail with attachment. I've been struggling with it for quite a while. function myMail to subject mail_msg..

Implode and Explode Multi dimensional arrays [duplicate]


Tagging friends in status updates from Facebook API


facebook graph api share improve this question I was struggling with this problem last week and found the following bug report..

DOMDocument::load - PHP - Getting attribute value


load PHP Getting attribute value I am struggling to get the value of 3 from the ss ExpandedColumnCount 3 in Table..

DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper?


saveHTML without HTML wrapper I'n the function below I'm struggling to output the DOMDocument without it appending the xml html..

PHP/MySQL Insert null values


MySQL Insert null values I'm struggling with some PHP MySQL code. I am reading from 1 table changing..

While I am debugging PHP Script in Eclipse, it doesn't load mysql extension


ubuntu xdebug share improve this question after struggling with this issue for several hours today I decided to manually..

PhpUnit private method testing


be a warning sign that there's another class in there struggling to get out. Some more Why you don't want test private methods...

Adding attributes to customer entity


model with entries editable in backend which is done . I'm struggling with proper use of installer addAttribute method especially..

If Singletons are bad then why is a Service Container good?


wrap out the creation of the first istance. So I am really struggling to understand why we should use a service provider instead of..

facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user


to query information about the current user I've been struggling to find out what is happening with this. My scripts were working..

php shell_exec() vs exec()


shell_exec vs exec I'm struggling to understand the difference between shell_exec and exec .....

Restrict file access to authorized php users


examples of .htaccess syntax greatly appreciated as I'm struggling in this area. php security session .htaccess file share improve..

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate Headers already sent by PHP I've been struggling with this error for a while now. To start with I just thought..