

php Programming Glossary: stub

Dependency Injection Pattern seems extreme in Control Class


ControlSignOut C.SignOut To have this work this needs some stubs for mocking which is easy with your example class Mock public.. mocking which is easy with your example class Mock public stub public function __call name args return class_exists this stub.. public function __call name args return class_exists this stub new this stub this stub class ObjectMaker extends Mock public..

How can I get PHPUnit MockObjects to return differernt values based on a parameter?


public function testReturnCallbackStub stub this getMock 'SomeClass' array 'doSomething' stub expects this.. stub this getMock 'SomeClass' array 'doSomething' stub expects this any method 'doSomething' will this returnCallback.. method 'doSomething' will this returnCallback 'callback' stub doSomething returns callback ... function callback args func_get_args..

Highlight keywords in a paragraph


fragment dom createDocumentFragment text child textContent stubs array while pos stripos text keyword false fragment appendChild.. highlight '. keyword.' span ' foreach elements as element stub element textContent regex '#^. w W '. maxStubHalf.' '. preg_quote.. '#' . ' w W '. maxStubHalf.' . #ims' preg_match regex stub match var_dump regex match stub preg_replace regex ' 1 3 4'..

Mock in PHPUnit - multiple configuration of the same method with different arguments


Mocking concrete method in abstract class using phpunit


for abstract methods. public function testAbstractMethod stub this getMockForAbstractClass 'AbstractClass' stub expects this.. stub this getMockForAbstractClass 'AbstractClass' stub expects this any method 'abstractMethod' will this returnValue.. will this returnValue 2 this assertSame 2 stub concreteMethod Succeeds Ideally I would like this to work for..

Throw a NotImplementedError in PHP?


of NotImplementedError in PHP I want to add these to some stub methods and interfaces so as to warn classes that extend me..