

php Programming Glossary: strtok

How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP?


if condition is false do nothing until THEN tok strtoupper strtok while tok THEN IF THERE IS NO THEN THIS SHALL BE AN ENLESS.. this push r return r parse function parse_line cadena tok strtok cadena while tok '' if is_numeric tok this push tok else r this..

PHP, Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION [duplicate]


decoded_data function function first_line strtok function n preg_match # . # first_line matches function create_function..

How to truncate text without truncating html and based off text count only?


foreach m as o if o 0 1 i l break t substr strtok o 0 0 t n r 0 x0B 1 if t 0 ' ' tags t elseif end tags substr..

Beautiful way to remove GET-variables with PHP?


Ok to remove all variables maybe the prettiest is url strtok url ' ' See about strtok here . Its the fastest see below and.. maybe the prettiest is url strtok url ' ' See about strtok here . Its the fastest see below and handles urls without a.. http www.example.com test test url_without_query_string strtok str ' ' mtime microtime mtime explode mtime mtime mtime 1 mtime..

Get Final URL From Double Shortened URL (t.co -> bit.ly -> final)


data file_get_contents url t.co uses HTML redirection url strtok strstr data 'http bit.ly ' ' ' grab bit.ly URL stream_context_set_default..

Split string into equal parts using PHP


that up every six charaters. I don't think explode or strtok will work for that Any ideas php string share improve this..

Creating multiple pages from sql query


now let's form new query string without page variable uri strtok _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' . tmpget _GET unset tmpget 'page' if tmpget..

Shortcut for: $foo = explode(“ ”, “bla ble bli”); echo $foo[0]


should be using instead of explode most of the time foo strtok bla ble bli It cuts off the first string part until the first..

How do I parse a URL in PHP? [duplicate]


from http localhost something using php I tried base strtok url ' ' php share improve this question You can use parse_url..

How do I get the Video Id from the URL? (DailyMotion)


use basename docs to get the last part of the URL and then strtok docs to get the ID all characters up to the first _ id strtok..

Why doesn't this mail message decode correctly?


RecursiveIteratorIterator mail getMessage 1 as part try if strtok part contentType ' ' 'text plain' foundPart part break catch..