

python Programming Glossary: exiting

How to exit from python without traceback?


presumably encountering an exception and the program is exiting because of this with a traceback . The first thing to do therefore.. thing to do therefore is to catch that exception before exiting cleanly maybe with a message example given . Try something like.. .... except KeyboardInterrupt print Shutdown requested...exiting except Exception traceback.print_exc file sys.stdout sys.exit..

Why does next raise a 'StopIteration', but 'for' do a normal return?


the 'for' loop trapping all exceptions and then silently exiting In which case why do we have the extraneous 'return' Or is the..

Twisted network client with multiprocessing workers?


so one of them is going to get notified of all children exiting and the other will never be notified. If you don't use Twisted's..

Solving thread cleanup on paramiko


copy files to nework path or Drive using python


letter when entering the context and unmounts it when exiting. cmd_parts NET USE s s drive_letter share if password cmd_parts.append..

Ensuring subprocesses are dead on exiting Python program


subprocesses are dead on exiting Python program Is there a way to ensure all created subprocess..

How to re import an updated package while in Python Interpreter?


do I make it reflect on the Interpreter So far I have been exiting and reentering the Interpreter because re importing the file.. version 1 # Change mymodule to print version 2 without exiting the python REPL shell2 echo 'def x print version 2 ' mymodule.py..

Check to see if python script is running


if os.path.isfile pidfile print s already exists exiting pidfile sys.exit else file pidfile 'w' .write pid # Do some..

Unittest causing sys.exit()


testing share improve this question Your example is exiting on my install too. I can make it execute the tests and stay..

Context manager for Python's MySQLdb


the context manager runs it for me automatically upon exiting the with statement. It also handles exceptions nicely if an..

Simple threading in Python 2.6 using thread.start_new_thread()


wait for all of those types of threads to be closed before exiting from threading import Thread def myfunction mystring args print..

What is a python thread


t _pickSomeNonDaemonThread if __debug__ self._note s exiting self self._Thread__delete This function will be called by the..

Displayin an Image in a QGraphicsScene


size and center the final stage the last one posted before exiting the function but it displays the intermediate steps without..

KeyError in module 'threading' after a successful py.test run


t _pickSomeNonDaemonThread if __debug__ self._note s exiting self self._Thread__delete # Create the main thread object #..

Why does sys.exit() not exit when called inside a thread in Python?


being created for each thread and the call to exit is just exiting that separate instance If so how does the threading implementation..

Using Python's Multiprocessing module to execute simultaneous and separate SEAWAT/MODFLOW model runs


run args except Exception as e # catch exceptions to avoid exiting the # thread prematurely print ' r failed s' args e file sys.stderr.. run args except Exception as e # catch exceptions to avoid exiting the # thread prematurely print ' r failed s' args e file sys.stderr.. run args except Exception as e # catch exceptions to avoid exiting the # thread prematurely print ' r failed s' args e file sys.stderr..