

python Programming Glossary: experiments

Can I override a C++ virtual function within Python with Cython?


How do you get Python documentation in Texinfo Info format?


in Info. I've played with Pandoc but after a few small experiments it doesn't seem to deal well with links between documents and..

SciPy instead of GNU Octave


instead of GNU Octave For my lab experiments I write small programs to help with the data analysis. I usually..

gi.repository Windows


Gtk 3 and is not yet available for Windows there has been experiments but is not ready AFAIK . https live.gnome.org PyGObject gtk..

Python - Working around memory leaks


leaks I have a Python program that runs a series of experiments with no data intended to be stored from one test to another... no globals are shared between the code for running all the experiments and the code used by each experiment some classes functions..

Share Large, Read-Only Numpy Array Between Multiprocessing Processes


documentation on sharedmem these are the results of my own experiments. Do you need to pass the handles when the subprocess is starting..

How should I organize Python source code?


My first project is a queue which runs command line experiments in multiple threads. I'm starting to get a very long main.py..

How to learn how to program?


to be foolish will do the job just right Sometimes your experiments will not give the results you expected but they may result into..

Porting invRegex.py to Javascript (Node.js)


either. I tried running a couple of simple generator experiments in node 0.11.9 with harmony like this one function alpha yield..

What is the difference between 'log' and 'symlog'?


this question I finally found some time to do some experiments in order to understand the difference between them. Here's what..

Confirming the difference between import * and from xxx import *


effects on global members. I wanted to confirm that my experiments are the correct behavior. In the first example changing a member..

Trouble using PIL in Django app on Windows


installed at least I think so since the rest of my Django experiments work fine . Following the troubleshooting guide from the PIL..