

python Programming Glossary: expense

OpenMP and Python


effort on the programmer side even if it comes at the expense of added system time The reason I use OpenMP is because a serial..

time.sleep() required to keep QThread responsive?


0.02 makes the GUI operated even smoother but at the expense of data rate . Anything slower than time.sleep 0.02 makes the..

Mapping a range of values to another


making undo in python


state to get the current state. This comes at the expense of memorizing entire states which may not be feasible for very..

Fourier space filtering


but still has ripple. htwin is nice and smooth at the expense of flattening out at a slightly higher frequency. Note that..

How can I reverse a list in python?


Python Tkinter Embed Matplotlib in GUI


This makes it easy to lay things out in a grid but at the expense of having to use a little more code. For example to put the..

What are the differences between numpy arrays and matrices? Which one should I use?


PS. Of course you really don't have to choose one at the expense of the other since np.asmatrix and np.asarray allow you to convert..

convert a string of bytes into an int (python)


this method has. I believe that this will only include the expense of importing it once for the entire benchmark run look what..

Why learn Perl, Python, Ruby if the company is using C++, C# or Java as the application language? [closed]


be something that is justifiable to the employer as an expense. That is I am looking for justifications for the employer to..

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?


threads being heavily blocked by CPU intensive threads the expense of context switching the ctrl C problem and so on. So since..