

python Programming Glossary: expects

Python - Range values to pseudocolor


h 1 1 to its rgb equivalent # note the hsv_to_rgb function expects h to be in the range 0..1 not 0..360 r g b colorsys.hsv_to_rgb..

What is the difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod in Python?


a bound as the first argument to the function. foo expects 2 arguments while a.foo only expects 1 argument. a is bound.. to the function. foo expects 2 arguments while a.foo only expects 1 argument. a is bound to foo . That is what is meant by the.. a good 'ole function with no arguments bound. static_foo expects 1 argument and a.static_foo expects 1 argument too. print a.static_foo..

Shortest Sudoku Solver in Python - How does it work?


in range 81 or r a i m a i 1 r argv 1 Okay so this script expects a command line argument and calls the function r on it. If there..

The Python yield keyword explained


same node. The extend method is a list object method that expects an iterable and adds its values to the list. Usually we pass.. care if the argument of a method is a list or not. Python expects iterables so it will work with strings lists tuples and generators..

Converting python objects for rpy2


the moment. From the documentation I learn that r.heatmap expects a numeric matrix . How do I convert np.array to the required..

How to print date in a regular format in Python?


string representation using the strftime method. strftime expects a string pattern explaining how you want to format your date...

Unpack a list in Python?


question. My question is pretty simple in a function that expects a list of items how can I pass a Python list item without getting..

MANIFEST.in ignored on “python setup.py install” - no data files installed?


to be created in dist packages as this is how my program expects to look for its resources. How can I get install to create this..

Running interactive commands in Paramiko


a way to send values to the terminal if a cmd execution expects input interactively ssh paramiko.SSHClient ssh.connect server..

PIL and numpy


format but argument is not a tuple This is because putdata expects a sequence of tuples and you're giving it a numpy array. This..

How to set sys.stdout encoding in Python 3?


does not work in Python 3 because sys.stdout.write expects a str but the result of encoding is bytes and an error occurs..

UnicodeDecodeError when redirecting to file


it is displayed whether it be sent to a terminal which expects characters encoded in a specific way or saved in a file. In..

Python: pretty-printing ascii tables?


from SQL queries I can only make over a SOAP API. It expects an input of a sequence of one or more namedtuples as table rows...

Broken Pipe error when using pip to install pycrypto on Mac OS X


for arch ppc but the system Python 2.6 on Mac OS X 10.6 expects to build universal C extension modules with all three architectures...

Multivariate spline interpolation in python/scipy?


1.2 3.5 6.7 2.5 7.9 3.5 3.5 3.5 # However map_coordinates expects the transpose of this coords coords.T # The mode kwarg here..

How to get string Objects instead of Unicode ones from JSON in Python?


with a valid encoding depending on what your external lib expects. So for example def _decode_list data rv for item in data if..