

python Programming Glossary: g_print

Convert a GTK python script to C


cr cairo_surface_write_to_png surf screenshot.png g_print Screenshot saved to screenshot.png. n else g_print Unable to.. g_print Screenshot saved to screenshot.png. n else g_print Unable to get the screenshot. n return 0 you'd compile like..

Playing RTSP with python-gstreamer


data switch GST_MESSAGE_TYPE msg case GST_MESSAGE_EOS g_print Stream Ends n g_main_loop_quit loop break case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR.. error gst_message_parse_error msg error debug g_free debug g_printerr Error s n error message g_error_free error g_main_loop_quit.. We can now link this pad with the rtsp decoder sink pad g_print Dynamic pad created linking source demuxer n sinkpad gst_element_get_static_pad..