

python Programming Glossary: gzip

python : scipy install on ubuntu


line 14 in module import zlib base64 time sys gzip struct os File usr lib python2.7 gzip.py line 10 in module import.. zlib base64 time sys gzip struct os File usr lib python2.7 gzip.py line 10 in module import io File home michael Downloads scipy.. line 14 in module import zlib base64 time sys gzip struct os File usr lib python2.7 gzip.py line 10 in module import..

How to send a “multipart/form-data” with requests in python?


Length 181 Accept Encoding identity deflate compress gzip Connection keep alive Accept User Agent python requests 0.14.0..

How to extract information from ODP accurately? [closed]


that'd look like from lxml import etree as ET import gzip import sqlite3 conn sqlite3.connect ' path to database' # create.. count 0 nsmap 'd' 'http purl.org dc elements 1.0 ' with gzip.open 'content.rdf.u8.gz' 'rb' as content conn cursor conn.cursor..

Reading utf-8 characters from a gzip file in python


utf 8 characters from a gzip file in python I am trying to read a gunzipped file .gz in.. file .gz in python and am having some trouble. I used the gzip module to read it but the file is encoded as a utf 8 text file.. character and crashes. Does anyone know how to read gzip files encoded as utf 8 files I know that there's a codecs module..

Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem


Host api.foursquare.com Connection close Accept Encoding gzip User Agent Python urllib 2.5 You can see the Authorization is..

Does python urllib2 will automaticly uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage


python urllib2 will automaticly uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage I'm using data urllib2.urlopen url.. I want to know How can I tell if the data at a URL is gzipped Does urllib2 automatically uncompress the data if it is gzipped.. Does urllib2 automatically uncompress the data if it is gzipped Will the data is always a string python gzip urllib2 share..

Parse raw HTTP Headers


Gecko Chrome 9.0.597.45 Safari 534.13 r nAccept Encoding gzip deflate sdch r nAvail Dictionary GeNLY2f r nAccept Language.. Gecko Chrome 9.0.597.45 Safari 534.13 r nAccept Encoding gzip deflate sdch r nAvail Dictionary GeNLY2f r nAccept Language.. Gecko Chrome 9.0.597.45 Safari 534.13' 'Accept Encoding' 'gzip deflate sdch' 'Avail Dictionary' 'GeNLY2f ' 'Accept Language'..

TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface


compress file input Please enter the desired filename with gzip.open file .gz wb as f_out f_out.write string The above python.. call last File C Users Ankur Gupta Desktop Python_works gzip_work1.py line 33 in module compress_string File C Users Ankur.. File C Users Ankur Gupta Desktop Python_works gzip_work1.py line 15 in compress_string f_out.write string File..

Compiling Python 2.6.6 and need for external packages wxPython, setuptools, etc… in Ubuntu


# bundle it up and save it for packaging cd tar cvf . TARG gzip ~ py272 NBITS.tar.gz cd ~ # after untarring on another machine..

How to properly use mechanize to scrape AJAX sites


cj #Browser options br.set_handle_equiv True br.set_handle_gzip False br.set_handle_redirect True br.set_handle_referer True.. Gecko 20110319 Firefox 3.6.16' 'Accept Encoding' 'gzip' if self.first_append 1 br.addheaders.append 'Accept' ' application.. url headers response.info if headers 'Content Encoding' 'gzip' import gzip gz gzip.GzipFile fileobj response mode 'rb' html..

Python dynamic inheritance: How to choose base class upon instance creation?


in this example. This code requires Python 2.7. import os gzip # # def image_factory path '''Guesses the file format from.. ImageZIP self .format @property def file_obj self return gzip.open self.path 'r' ################################################################################.. ImageZIP self .format @property def file_obj self return gzip.open self.path 'r' Conclusion Bear in mind if you want to propose..