

python Programming Glossary: gzip.open

Python gzip folder structure when zipping single file


in the docs import gzip content Lots of content here f gzip.open ' home joe file.txt.gz' 'wb' f.write content f.close If I open..

How to extract information from ODP accurately? [closed]


count 0 nsmap 'd' 'http purl.org dc elements 1.0 ' with gzip.open 'content.rdf.u8.gz' 'rb' as content conn cursor conn.cursor..

Reading utf-8 characters from a gzip file in python


use it. Thanks import string import gzip import codecs f gzip.open 'file.gz' 'r' engines line f.readline while line parsed string.split.. character . It should be as simple as import gzip fp gzip.open 'foo.gz' contents fp.read # contents now has the uncompressed..

TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface


compress file input Please enter the desired filename with gzip.open file .gz wb as f_out f_out.write string The above python code.. compress fn input Please enter the desired filename with gzip.open fn .gz wb as f_out f_out.write bytes s 'UTF 8' Also do not use.. UTF 8 encoding s 'Polish text ó źż ŹŻ' fn 'fn.gz' with gzip.open fn 'wb' as f_out f_out.write bytes s 'UTF 8' with gzip.open..

Python dynamic inheritance: How to choose base class upon instance creation?


ImageZIP self .format @property def file_obj self return gzip.open self.path 'r' ################################################################################.. ImageZIP self .format @property def file_obj self return gzip.open self.path 'r' Conclusion Bear in mind if you want to propose..

Different ways to read large data in python


a little bit confused about different reading methods. 1.f gzip.open file 'r' for line in f process line #how can I process nth line.. in f process line #how can I process nth line can I 2.f gzip.open file 'r' .readlines #f is a list f 10000 #we can process nth.. #f is a list f 10000 #we can process nth line 3.f gzip.open file 'r' while True linelist list islice f 4 4.for line in fileinput.input..