

python Programming Glossary: guestbook

error Property %s is not multi-line


template class Greeting db.Model Models an individual Guestbook entry with an author content and date. author db.StringProperty.. guestbook_name None Constructs a Datastore key for a Guestbook entity with guestbook_name. return db.Key.from_path 'Guestbook'.. entity with guestbook_name. return db.Key.from_path 'Guestbook' guestbook_name or 'default_guestbook' class MainPage webapp2.RequestHandler..

How to serialize db.Model objects to json?


template.render path template_values class Guestbook webapp.RequestHandler def post self greeting Greeting if users.get_current_user.. webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' MainPage ' sign' Guestbook ' feed' FeedHandler debug True def main run_wsgi_app application..

Can't login to Django /admin interface


dir to run Django Non Rel on Google App Engine . I did the Guestbook tutorial and now I am trying to add admin access but when I..

webapp2 + jinja2: How can i get uri_for() working in jinja2-views


3 cols 60 textarea div div input type submit value Sign Guestbook div form a href url url_linktext a body html The class BaseHandler..

Upload files in Google App Engine


form form input type file name img Python code class Guestbook webapp.RequestHandler def post self greeting Greeting if users.get_current_user..