

python Programming Glossary: interp

Matplotlib: How to colorize a large number of line segments as independent gradients, efficiently


num additional segments to the line segments color_scalar interp line num 20 coll LineCollection segments coll.set_array color_scalar.. color_scalar ax.add_collection coll plt.show def interp data num 20 Add num additional points to data at evenly spaced.. 0 dist dist.max ti np.linspace 0 1 num endpoint True xi np.interp ti t x yi np.interp ti t y # Insert the original vertices indices..

binding to cursor movement doesnt change INSERT mark


return result ''' self.tk.eval ''' rename widget _ widget interp alias widget widget_proxy _ widget callback '''.format widget..

Plotting a curve with equidistant (arc-length) markers


2 x initial 0 marks linspace 0 max arclength Nmarks markx interp marks arclength x marky interp markx x y return markx marky.. max arclength Nmarks markx interp marks arclength x marky interp markx x y return markx marky Example of use this is suitable..

How to make scipy.interpolate give an extrapolated result beyond the input range?


to make scipy.interpolate give an extrapolated result beyond the input range I'm.. I'm trying to port a program which uses a hand rolled interpolator developed by a mathematician colleage over to use the.. developed by a mathematician colleage over to use the interpolators provided by scipy. I'd like to use or wrap the scipy..

Jython and python modules


set the path sys.path in your Java Code public void init interp new PythonInterpreter null new PySystemState PySystemState sys..

python matplotlib colorbar setting tick formator/locator changes tick labels


2.1 2.1 200 # grid the data. zi griddata x y z xi yi interp 'linear' ##### FIRST PLOT plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi.. 2.1 2.1 200 # grid the data. zi griddata x y z xi yi interp 'linear' ##### PLOT plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi 25 cmap..