

python Programming Glossary: interpolating

Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid


takes a long time again minutes . Is there a quick way of interpolating data on a rectangular grid in 4 dimensions without it taking..

Bandpass filter in python


new grid representing where the new samples should go and interpolating their values from existing data. A variety of interpolation..

Fast interpolation of grid data


0 0 0 . I would like to go to a finer grid spacing by interpolating the data in the rough grid. At the moment I'm using scipy griddata.. If you just want to produce a denser regular grid based on interpolating the original data this is the way to go. The second is scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates..

resampling, interpolating matrix


interpolating matrix I'm trying to interpolate some data for the purpose..

Does Python support MySQL prepared statements?


is done in MySQLdb by escaping strings and then blindly interpolating them into the query instead of using the MYSQL_STMT API. As..

Interpolating a scalar field in a 3D space


points which correspond to an iso energy surface found by interpolating between the known points. The spacial mesh has constant spacing..

Does the MySQLdb module support prepared statements?


is done in MySQLdb by escaping strings and then blindly interpolating them into the query instead of using the MYSQL_STMT API. As..

Multivariate spline interpolation in python/scipy?


grid as zero which can cause some edge # effects if you're interpolating points near the edge # The order kwarg controls the order of..

2D grid data visualization in Python


and not a discrete color map make a color map by linearly interpolating through a series of colors fig pyplot.figure 2 cmap2 mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list..

Matplotlib Backend Differences between Agg and Cairo


it possible to produce small PDF i.e. presumably without interpolating the raster image to a higher resolution using the Agg backend..

Spline representation with scipy.interpolate: Poor interpolation for low-amplitude, rapidly oscillating functions


What is x in your example If the x values that you're interpolating at are less closely spaced than your original points you'll..

scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline not smoothing regardless of parameters


to use any smoothing when interpolating. Based on the function's page as well as some previous posts..