

python Programming Glossary: intrusive

Showing the stack trace from a running Python application


any I O etc at the point you signal so it isn't fully non intrusive. I've another script that does the same thing except it communicates..

What approach(es) have you used for lightweight Python unit-tests on App Engine?


and extensions that I want to use so anything heavy weight intrusive such as nose webtest or gaeunit doesn't seem appropriate. The..

Why not always use psyco for Python code?


in optimizing Python code and it does it in a very non intrusive way. Therefore one has to wonder. Assuming you're always on..

Python - How to check if a file is used by another application?


the legacy application will fail. this is extremely intrusive and error prone. Unless both the new application and the legacy.. the check whether the legacy application has the file open intrusive approach prone to race conditions then you can solve the said..

PyAudio working, but spits out error messages each time


Is possible to override the {…} notation so i get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()?


to collections.OrderedDict but we don't want to be too intrusive. Here's the code import ast class DictDisplayTransformer ast.NodeTransformer..

How do distribute and pip relate to one another?


Python community is of the opinion that setuptools is too intrusive and has too much behind the scenes magic for some of its features...

Suppressing treatment of string as iterable


Sometimes you can't avoid it though. In my mind the least intrusive thing to do is to put the check into a function and call that..