

python Programming Glossary: ioff

make matplotlib draw() only show new point


ax.set_title t draw pause 0.01 if count 50 plotting False ioff show How can I get it to only show the new point on the live.. ax.set_title t draw pause 0.01 if count 50 plotting False ioff show In principle you can also use a normal plot instead of..

matplotlib 3d plot with changing labels


xs ys zs draw pause 0.01 if count 100 plotting False ioff show here is an example of the data x.mean y.mean z.mean time.. is not None lin.remove lin ax.scatter x y z draw pause 0.1 ioff show Edit 2 You could have a look at switching off autoscaling..

matplotlib show() doesn't work twice


plotting you may consider interactive mode pyplot.ion ioff like in the example below. Furthermore for dynamic plotting.. setp point 0 data x j y j draw # redraw current figure ioff # turn off interactive mode show So maybe by using draw you..

Exact semantics of Matplotlib's “interactive mode” (ion(), ioff())?


of Matplotlib's &ldquo interactive mode&rdquo ion ioff The documentation for the interactive mode in Matplotlib's..