

python Programming Glossary: isprime

Interpreting a benchmark in C, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Scala and others [closed]


10 1000 b Time.now puts # b a 1000 mils Scala def isPrime n Int 2 until n forall n _ 0 def sexyPrimes n Int 11 to n map.. sexyPrimes n Int 11 to n map i List i 6 i filter _ forall isPrime _ val a System.currentTimeMillis println sexyPrimes 100 1000.. println b a .toString mils Scala opimized isPrime the same idea like in Clojure optimization import scala.annotation.tailrec..

To find first N prime numbers in python


using a regexp # usr bin python import re sys def isPrime n # see http www.noulakaz.net weblog 2007 03 18 a regular expression.. search space l list # result list while len l N l filter isPrime range M 100 M # append prime element of M 100 M to l M 100 ..

Python issues with return statement


and can't seem to get it to work. import math def main if isPrime 2 7 print Yes else print No def isPrime i n if n i 0 and i math.sqrt.. math def main if isPrime 2 7 print Yes else print No def isPrime i n if n i 0 and i math.sqrt n return False if i math.sqrt n.. False if i math.sqrt n print is Prime n return True else isPrime i 1 n main Now the output for the isPrime method is as follows..

Python recursive function error: “maximum recursion depth exceeded”


the following code which works through brute force def isPrime n for x in range 2 int n 0.5 1 if n x 0 return False return.. return True def primeList n primes for i in range 2 n if isPrime i primes.append i return primes def sumPrimes primelist prime_sum.. primeList 2000000 The three functions work as follows isPrime checks whether a number is a prime primeList returns a list..

Twisted: Making code non-blocking


in the normal course of things your code runs sequentially isPrime cannot execute a second time until after it has finished executing..

Interpreting a benchmark in C, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Scala and others [closed]


to imagine how much time will it take Code listings C int isprime int x int i for i 2 i x i if x i 0 return 0 return 1 void findprimes.. 0 return 1 void findprimes int m int i for i 11 i m i if isprime i isprime i 6 printf d d n i 6 i main findprimes 10 1000 Ruby.. 1 void findprimes int m int i for i 11 i m i if isprime i isprime i 6 printf d d n i 6 i main findprimes 10 1000 Ruby def is_prime..

Sieve of Eratosthenes - Finding Primes Python


limit # Initialize the primality list a 0 a 1 False for i isprime in enumerate a if isprime yield i for n in xrange i i limit.. list a 0 a 1 False for i isprime in enumerate a if isprime yield i for n in xrange i i limit i # Mark factors non prime..

Fast prime/factorization module


set primesbelow 100000 _smallprimeset 100000 def isprime n precision 7 # http en.wikipedia.org wiki Miller Rabin_primality_test#Algorithm_and_running_time.. if checker limit break if n 2 return factors while n 1 if isprime n factors.append n break factor pollard_brent n # trial division..

Simple Prime Generator in Python


out only primes import math def main count 3 while True isprime True for x in range 2 int math.sqrt count 1 if count x 0 isprime.. True for x in range 2 int math.sqrt count 1 if count x 0 isprime False break if isprime print count count 1 For much more efficient.. math.sqrt count 1 if count x 0 isprime False break if isprime print count count 1 For much more efficient prime generation..

Float Bug on Square Root Function Python


I have the code # usr bin env python import math i 2 isprime True n input Enter a number while i math.sqrt n i 1 if n i 0.. n input Enter a number while i math.sqrt n i 1 if n i 0 isprime False if isprime False print Not Prime else print It's Prime.. a number while i math.sqrt n i 1 if n i 0 isprime False if isprime False print Not Prime else print It's Prime And everything works..