

python Programming Glossary: item.split

Changing output of `voting_approval`


changing the output [duplicate]


party_dic for i item in enumerate PARTY_INDICES party_dic item.split '_' 0 i print party_dic def voting_borda args results for sublist..

Splitting a semicolon-separated string to a dictionary, in Python


s Name1 Value1 Name2 Value2 Name3 Value3 dict item.split for item in s.split Edit From your update you indicate you may..

Python: How to loop through blocks of lines


does. if not key data for item in group field value item.split ' ' value value.strip data field value print ' FamilyN Name..

Creating a dictionary from a string


you can do this mydict dict k.strip v.strip for k v in item.split ' ' for item in s.split ' ' It does 3 things split the string.. parts s.split ' ' split each part into key value pairs item.split ' ' remove the whitespace from each pair k.strip v.strip share..

translate my sequence?


for frame in range 3 print ' i' frame 1 ''.join item.split ' ' 1 for item in translate seq frame Note I changed the name.. latter as I have done. translate is called in ''.join item.split ' ' 1 for item in translate seq frame for each frame. For frame.. reading frames processing them in series. Then in ''.join item.split ' ' 1 I split the one and three letters codes for each amino..