

python Programming Glossary: item2

Python: sorting a dictionary of lists


list thing has me baffled. Example myDict 'item1' 7 1 9 'item2' 8 2 3 'item3' 9 3 11 I want to be able to iterate through the.. one way to do this sorted myDict.items key lambda e e 1 2 'item2' 8 2 3 'item1' 7 1 9 'item3' 9 3 11 The key argument of the..

How to delete a row from a listbox in TKinter and SQLite3


text Please type sumting else item self.nameField.get item2 self.ageField.get item3 self.phoneField.get item4 self.fbField.get.. fblink TEXT ''' c.execute insert into people values item item2 item3 item4 conn.commit list c.execute SELECT FROM people conn.commit.. text Please type something else item1 self.nameField.get item2 self.ageField.get item3 self.phoneField.get item4 self.fbField.get..

Lists in ConfigParser


to index lists like for instance Section 3 barList item1 item2 Related question Python ™s ConfigParser unique keys per section.. config section would look like Section 3 barList item1 item2 It's not prety but it's functional for most simple lists. share..

Django Templates and variable attributes


the objects look something like Object Result Items item1 item2 Users name 'username' item1 3 item2 4 .. The django template.. Result Items item1 item2 Users name 'username' item1 3 item2 4 .. The django template is table tr align center th user th..

Possible Fix to deal with Python Memory usage


like this S1 S2 S3 .... S29000 item1 15 2 30 .... 100 item2 0 1 0 .... 5 . . . item600 30 190 10 .... 25 The lists STORE.. accordingly STORE 'S1' 'S2' ... 'S29000' ITEM 'item1' 'item2' .... 'item600' For the PRICE list it is a multidimensional..

pick N items at random


items range 1 10 b0 b1 b2 True c0 c1 c2 0 item0 item1 item2 None for item in items r random.random if b0 and r 3 1 c0 1.. and r 1 1 c2 1 b2 False b0 b1 True if random.random c2 1 1 item2 item print '2 selected s' item continue print item0 item1 item2.. item print '2 selected s' item continue print item0 item1 item2 python algorithm share improve this question Use reservoir..