

python Programming Glossary: item.key

How to use cursor() for pagination?


href item s a a href item s#disqus_thread a div li br str item.key .id merchandise_type item.url item.title urlparse item.url .netloc.. B d Y I M p item.user_who_liked_this_item str item.key .id str item.key .id self.response.out.write ol Thanks UPDATE.. Y I M p item.user_who_liked_this_item str item.key .id str item.key .id self.response.out.write ol Thanks UPDATE Hi Amir Thanks..

How to hide a row of table (or a list item) and update the datastore without reloading the page?


query.fetch 100 cursor query.cursor for item in e main_id item.key .id self.response.out.write tr td a href s target _blank.. the following code does not work ... for item in e main_id item.key .id self.response.out.write div tr td a href s target _blank.. query.fetch 100 cursor query.cursor for item in e main_id item.key .id self.response.out.write tr td a href s target _blank..

How can I speed up update/replace operations in PostgreSQL?


00 00 00 02' 'v3' 'v4' 'v5' ... AS i key a0 a1 a2 WHERE item.key i.key macaddr EDIT Thanks to merlin83 in #postgresql @ freenode.. 'v3' 'v4' 'v5' ... DELETE FROM item USING temp_item WHERE item.key temp_item.key INSERT INTO item key a0 a1 a2 SELECT key a0 a1.. ... DELETE FROM item USING temp_item WHERE item.key temp_item.key INSERT INTO item key a0 a1 a2 SELECT key a0 a1 a2 FROM temp_item..